Hyundai Venue: Driver Attention Warning (DAW) / System Setting and Activation
System setting
- Driver Attention Warning system is set to be on, when your vehicle is first
delivered to you from the factory.
- To turn ON Driver Attention Warning system, turn on the engine, and then
select 'User Settings → Driver Assistance → Driver Attention Warning → Inattentive
Driving Warning’ on the LCD display.
- The set-up of Driver Attention Warning system will be maintained, as selected,
when the engine is restarted.
Driver's attention level

- The driver can monitor their driving conditions on the LCD display. The
DAW screen will appear when you select the Drive Assist mode tab (
on the LCD display if the system is activated. (For more information, refer
to "LCD Display Modes" in chapter 4.)
- The driver's attention level is displayed on the scale of 1 to 5. The lower
the number is, the more inattentive the driver is.
- The number decreases when the driver does not take a break for a certain
period of time.
- The number increases when the driver attentively drives for a certain period
of time.
- When the driver turns on the system while driving, it displays 'Last Break
time' and level.
Take a break

- The "Consider taking a break" message appears on the LCD display and a warning
sounds in order to suggest the driver to take a break, when the driver’s attention
level is below 1.
- Driver Attention Warning system does not suggest the driver to take a break,
when the total driving time is shorter than 10 minutes.
Driver Attention Warning System is designed as a safety feature to help reduce
drowsy or inattentive driving. DAW displays a bar graph that is intended to represent
the driver's attention and fatigue while driving...
Resetting the System
The last break time is set to 00:00 and the driver's attention level is
set to 5 (very attentive) when the driver resets Driver Attention Warning system...
Other information:
On-vehicle Inpection
First of all, check for DTCs. If a DTC is present, perform troubleshooting
in accordance with the procedure for that DTC...

This gauge indicates the approximate amount of fuel remaining in the fuel tank.
The fuel tank capacity is given in chapter 2.
The fuel gauge is supplemented by a low fuel warning light, which will
illuminate when the fuel tank is nearly empty.
On inclines or curves, the fuel gauge pointer may fluctuate or the low
fuel warning light may come on earlier than usual due to the movement of fuel
in the tank.
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