Hyundai Venue: Automatic Transaxle Control System / Inhibitor Switch. Specifications
▷ Type : Combination of output signals from 4 terminals
▷ Specifications
Power supply (V)
Output type
Combination of output signals
The inhibitor switch mounted on the upper of transaxle and connected
with shifter lever.
The inhibitor switch has four points of contact and it makes the signals(S1,
S2, S3, S4)...
Fault Diagnosis
▶ Fault Diagnosis for Symptom
Major Symptom
Expected Cause
Items to Check and Measures
Shift lever inoperable
Faulty shift cable tension
Adjust shift cable tension
(refer to "Automatic Transaxle System – Inhibitor Switch")
Faulty shift cable assembly/connection
Check manual control valve assembly and re-assemble if necessary...
Other information:
Shift to P to edit settings
This warning message appears if you try to adjust the User Settings while driving.
For your safety, change the User Settings after parking the vehicle, applying
the parking brake and moving the shift lever to P (Park)...
Vehicle Identification Number (vin)
Frame number
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