Hyundai Venue: Cylinder Head Assembly / Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Hyundai Venue (QX) (2020-2025) Service Manual / Engine Mechanical System / Cylinder Head Assembly / Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Engine removal is not required for this procedure.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Use Fender cover to avoid damaging painted surfaces.
To avoid damaging the cylinder head, wait until the engine coolant temperature drops below normal temperature before removing it.
When handling a metal gasket, take care not to fold the gasket or damage the contact surface of the gasket.
To avoid damage, unplug the wiring connectors carefully while holding the connector portion.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Mark all wiring and hoses to avoid misconnection.
Turn the crankshaft pulley so that the No. 1 piston is at top dead center.
Remove the engine cover.
Disconnect the battery negative terminal.
Remove the air duct and air cleaner assembly.
(Refer to Intake and Exhaust System - "Air Cleaner")
Remove the battery.
(Refer to Engine Electrical System - "Battery")
Disconnect the ECM connector and then remove the battery tray.
(Refer to Engine Electrical System - "Battery")
Remove the engine room under cover.
Loosen the drain plug and drain the coolant. Open the radiator cap to make rapid draining.
(Refer to Cooling System - "Coolant")
Disconnect the radiator upper hose.
(Refer to Cooling System - "Radiator")
Disconnect the A/C compressor connector.
(Refer to Heating, Ventilation Air conditioning - "ComPressor")
Disconnect the alternator connector and the cable from the alternator "B" terminal.
(Refer to Engine Electical System - "Alternator")
Disconnect the water temperature sensor.
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor")
Disconnect the ETC (Electronic Throttle Control) connector and the MAPS (Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor) & IATS (Intake Air Temperature Sensor) connector.
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "ETC System")
Disconnect the brake vacuum hose (A).

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Disconnect the heater hose (A).
(Refer to Coolant System - "Heater Hose")

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Disconnect the camshaft position sensor (CMP) connector (A) and remove the purge control solenoid valve (PCSV) bracket (B) and the module hanger bracket (C).

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Remove the cylinder head cover.
(Refer to Cylinder Head Assembly - "Cylinder Head Cover")
Remove the timing chain cover.
(Refet to Timing System - "Timing Chain Cover")
Remove the camshaft.
(Refer to Cylinder Head Assembly - "Camshaft")
Remove the intake manifold.
(Refer to Intake and Exhaust System - "Intake Manifold")
Remove the exhaust manifold.
(Refer to Intake and Exhaust System - "Exhaust Manifold")
Remove the delivery pipe assembly.
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "Delivery Pipe")
Disconnect the bypass hose, and then remove the water temperature control assembly.
(Refer to Cooling System - "Water Temperature Control Assembly")
Remove the heater pipe.
(Refet to Cooling System - "Water Pipe")
Remove the intake OCV (Oil Control Valve).
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "CVVT Oil Control Valve (OCV)")
Remove the cylinder head bolts, then remove the cylinder head with the gasket.
Uniformly loosen and remove the 10 cylinder head bolts, in several passes, in the sequence shown.

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Head warpage or cracking could result from removing bolts in an incorrect order.
Lift the cylinder head from the cylinder block and put the cylinder head on wooden blocks.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Be careful not to damage the contact surfaces of the cylinder head and cylinder block.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Identify MLA(Mechanical lash adjuster), valves, valve springs as they are removed so that each item can be reinstalled in its original position.
Remove the MLAs (A).

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
When removing MLAs, mark all the MLAs for their rearrangement.
Remove the valves.
Using the SST (09222-3K000, 09222-3K100), compress the valve spring and remove the retainer lock.

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Remove the spring retainer.
Remove the valve spring.
Remove the valve.
Remove the valve stem seal.
Using a magnetic finger, remove the spring seat.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Do not reuse the valve stem seals.
Cylinder Head
Inspect for flatness.
Using a precision straight edge and feeler gauge, measure the surface the contacting the cylinder block and the manifolds for warpage.
Flatness of cylinder head gasket surface
Less than 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.) for total area
Less than 0.02 mm (0.0008 in.) for a section of 100 mm (3.9370 in.) x 100 mm (3.9370 in.)

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Inspect for cracks.
Check the combustion chamber, intake ports, exhaust ports and cylinder block surface for cracks. If cracked, replace the cylinder head.
Valve and Valve Spring
Inspect the valve stems and valve guides.
Using a caliper gauge, measure the inner diameter of valve guide.
Valve guide inner diameter :
5.500 - 5.512mm (0.2165 - 0.2170in)

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Using a micrometer, measure the outer diameter of valve stem.
Valve stem outer diameter
Intake : 5.465 - 5.480mm (0.2152 - 0.2157in)
Exhaust : 5.458 - 5.470mm (0.2149 - 0.2154in)

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Subtract the valve stem outer diameter measurement from the valve guide inner diameter measurement.
Valve stem- to-guide clearance
Intake : 0.020 - 0.047mm (0.0008 - 0.0019in)
Exhaust : 0.030 - 0.054mm (0.0012 - 0.0021in)
If the clearance is greater than specification, replace the valve or the cylinder head.
Inspect the valves.
Check the valve is ground to the correct valve face angle.
Check that the surface of valve for wear.
If the valve face is worn, replace the valve.
Check the valve head margin thickness.
If the margin thickness is less than minimum, replace the valve.
Intake : 1.1mm (0.0433in)
Exhaust : 1.26mm (0.0496in)

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Check the length of valve.
Valve length
Intake : 93.15mm (3.6673 in)
Exhaust : 92.60mm (3.6457 in)
Check the surface of valve stem tip for wear.
If the valve stem tip is worn, replace the valve.
Inspect the valve seats and guide.
Check the valve seat for evidence of overheating and improper contact with the valve face. If the valve seat is worn, replace the cylinder head.
Check the valve guide for wear. If the valve guide is worn, replace the cylinder head.
Inspect the valve springs.
Using a steel square, measure the out-of-square of valve spring.
Using a vernier calipers, measure the free length of valve spring.
Valve spring
Free height : 45.1mm (1.7755in)
Out of square : Less than 1.5°

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Thoroughly clean all parts to be assembled.
Before installing the parts, apply fresh engine oil to all sliding and rotating surface.
Replace oil seals with new ones.
Install the valves.
Install the spring seats.
Using the SST (09222 - 2B100), push in a new oil seal.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Do not reuse old valve stem oil seals.
Incorrect installation of the seal could result in oil leakage past the valve guides.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Intake valve stem seals are different from exhaust ones in type.
Do not reassembly ones in the other's places.
Install the valve, valve spring and spring retainer, after applying engine oil at the end of each valve.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
When installing valve springs, the enamel coated side should face the valve spring retainer.
Using the SST (09222 - 3K000, 09222 - 3K100), compress the spring and install the retainer locks.
After installing the valves, ensure that the retainer locks are correctly in place before releasing the valve spring compressor.

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
When installing the SST, use the torque, 1.2kgf.m or less.
Lightly tap the end of each valve stem two or three times with the wooden handle of a hammer to ensure proper seating of the valve and retainer lock.

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Install the MLA (Mechanical lash adjuster)s.
Check that the MLA (A) rotates smoothly by hand.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
All the MLAs must be installed in its original position.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Thoroughly clean all parts to be assembled.
Always use a new cylinder head and manifold gasket.
Always use a new cylinder head bolt.
The cylinder head gasket is a metal gasket. Take care not to bend it.
Rotate the crankshaft, set the No.1 piston at TDC.
Install the cylinder head assembly.
Before installing, remove the hardened sealant from the cylinder block and cylinder head surface.
Before installing the cylinder head gasket, apply sealant on the upper surface of the cylinder block and reassemble the gasket within five minutes.

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Refer to the illustration for applying sealant.
Width : 2.0 - 3.0mm(0.0787-0.1181in.)
Position : 1.0 - 1.5mm(0.0394-0.0591in.)
Specification : TB 1217H or LOCTITE 5900H

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

After installing the cylinder head gasket on the cylinder block, apply sealant on the upper surface of the cylinder head gasket and reassemble in five minutes.
Place the cylinder head carefully not to damage the gasket.
Install the cylinder head bolts with washers.
Tighten the 10 cylinder head bolts, in several passes, in the sequence shown.
Tightening torque :
29.4 N.m (3.0 kgf.m, 21.7 lb-ft) + 90° + 90°

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Always use new cylinder head bolts.
Install the Inteke OCV (Oil Control Valve).
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "CVVT Oil Control Valve (OCV)")
Install the heater pipe.
(Refer to Cooling System - "Water Pipe")
Install the weter control assembly, and bypass hose.
(Refer to Cooling System - "Water Control Assembly")
Install the delivery pipe assembly.
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "Delivery Pipe")
Install the intake manifold.
(Refer to Intake and Exhaust System - "Intake Manifold")
Install the exhaust manifold.
(Refer to Intake and Exhaust System - "Exhaust Manifold")
Install the cam shaft.
(Refer to Cylinder Head Assembly - "Cam Shaft")
Install the timing chain.
(Refer to Timing System - "Timing Chain")
Install the timing chain cover.
(Refer to Timing System - "Timing Chain Cover)
Install the cylinder head cover.
(Refer to Cylinder Head Assembly - "Cylinder Head Cover")
Install the intake OCV (Oil control valve).
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "CVVT Oil Control Valve (OCV)")
Install the ignition coil.
(Refer to Engine Electrical System - "Igniton Coil")
Connect the camshaft position sensor(CMP) connector (A) and remove the purge control solenoid valve(PCSV) bracket (B) and the module hanger bracket (C).
Tightening torque :
9.8 - 11.8 N.m (1.0 - 1.2 kgf.m, 7.2 - 8.7 lb-ft)

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Connect the heater hose (A).
(Refer to Coolant System - "Heater Hose")

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Connect the brake vacuum hose (A).

Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures

Connect the ETC (Electronic throttle control) connector and the MAPS (Manifold absolute pressure sensor) & IATS (Intake air temperature sensor) connector.
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "ETC System")
Connect the water temperature sensor.
(Refer to Engine Control/Fuel System - "Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor")
Connect the alternator connector and the cable from the alternator "B" terminal.
(Refer to Engine Electrical System - "Alternator")
Connect the A/C compressor connector.
(Refer to Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning - "Compressor")
Connectl the radoator upper hose.
(Refer to Cooling System - "Radiator")
Tighten the drain plug.
(Refer to Cooling System - "Coolant")
Install the engine room under cover.
Install the battery tray and then connect the ECM connector.
(Refer to Engine Electrical System - "Battery")
Install the battery.
(Refer to Engine Electrical System - "Battery")
Instal the air duct and air cleaner assembly.
(Refer to Intake and Exhaust System - "Air Cleaner")
Connect the battery negative terminal.
Install the engine cover.
Hyundai Venue. Cylinder Head. Repair procedures   
Perform the following :
Refill engine with engine oil.
Refill a radiator and a reservoir tank with engine coolant.
Inspect for fuel leakage.
After assemble the fuel line, turn on the ignition switch (do not operate the starter) so that the fuel pump runs for approximately two seconds and fuel line pressurizes.
Repeat this operation two or three times, then check for fuel leakage at any point in the fuel line.
Bleed air from the cooling system.
Start engine and let it run until it warms up. (until the radiator fan operates 3 or 4 times.)
Turn Off the engine. Check the level in the radiator, add coolant if needed. This will allow trapped air to be removed from the cooling system.
Put radiator cap on tightly, then run the engine again and check for leaks.
Clean battery posts and cable terminals and assemble.

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